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Sub-District Hospital Lakshadweep

Location   : Andrott, Lakshadweep
Client       : LPWD
Category  : Health care

Lakshadweep has very poor healthcare facilities. It is the High Accidental death prone area on the basis of Percentage share of deaths due to unnatural causes (Drowning and Fire) during 2006. As per the reports, death due to drowning is 66.7%, which is the highest in India where the national rate is only 8.7%. Also Lakshadweep stands last in case of road accidents compared to other states and union territories in the country. There are no deaths reported from Lakshadweep due to causes attributable to Nature.
The proposed project is the upgradation of existing CHC at Andrott island Lakshadweep to a 50 bedded Sub- District hospital. Currently, CHC at Andrott is functioning in two blocks within the same Complex. The old block constructed in 1961 is proposed to be demolished. The proposal is to upgrade the same by maintaining existing facilities functioning at ground and first floor of the new block.

Sub-District Hospital Lakshadweep: Text
Sub-District Hospital Lakshadweep: Gallery
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